The purpose of a Comprehensive Plan is to guide future growth and development in the Town over the next 10 to 20 years. A comprehensive plan provides the vision and direction for natural resource protection, housing and economic development, transportation and community facilities, land use, intergovernmental relations, and other factors that together form the community’s future. Comprehensive planning was enacted to encourage long-range planning for communities and provide consistency in land use decision making. The Comprehensive Plan is a guide that elected officials, residents, and business owners can use for directing growth and redevelopment in the community. The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range policy document consisting of goals, objectives, and policies prepared to meet the State’s definition of a comprehensive plan as defined under Section 66.1001.
A public hearing on the recommended City of Crandon Comprehensive Plan shall be held at City Hall on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. Andy Ostrowski, an employee/representative of the City, may be contacted to provide additional information on the proposed comprehensive plan and ordinance as well as the zoning amendment at
A copy of the comprehensive plan may be reviewed prior to the hearing at City Hall in the Clerk’s Office during the following times: Monday – Friday 8:30-12:00 & 1:00-4:00 p.m.