The Land Use Assessment Report is one of four reports prepared as part of the overall Regional Livability Plan effort undertaken by the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. Each Assessment Report focuses on the foundational topics of Housing, Economic Development, Transportation, and Land Use. These four reports along with demographic data will form the basis of the overall North Central Wisconsin Regional Livability Plan.
This Assessment Report examines land use on a regional scale. Land Use is a crucial component of livability and provides a basis for the formulation of policy to coordinate a sustainable pattern of development. The existing natural landscape, land use patterns and demographic projections are all examined as they influence future land use and development. Much of the Region has population and housing densities well below the state average, which in turn places more reliance on automobiles to get to and from work, shopping and other activities. In addition, within the ten counties that make up the Region there are 198 towns, 39 villages, 21 cities and 4 tribal nations. All of these communities have an impact on the development of the region.