Outdoor Recreation Planning

The Outdoor Recreation Plan (ORP) is a five year plan to identify outdoor recreational needs in the County.

Submission of this plan to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources establishes eligibility to apply for a variety of Federal and State Aids.

Non-profit groups, foundations, and the general public may also use this document to coordinate their own private efforts for developing outdoor recreation facilities.

Wood County Parks, Recreation, and Open Spaces Plan 2026-2030March 5, 2025wood
Village of Kronenwetter Outdoor Recreation Plan 2026-2030January 20, 2025marathon
Portage County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2025-2029October 7, 2024portage
City of Adams Outdoor Recreation Plan 2024-2028December 29, 2023adams
Oneida County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2024-2028October 2, 2023oneida
Adams County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2024-2028August 7, 2023adams
Vilas County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2023-2027April 5, 2023vilas
City of Rhinelander Outdoor Recreation Plan 2023-2027March 15, 2023oneida
Town of Saratoga Outdoor Recreation Plan 2023-2027March 15, 2023wood
Great Pinery Heritage WaterwayDecember 1, 2022regional
City of Merrill Outdoor Recreation Plan 2023-2027October 1, 2022lincoln
Town of Rib Mountain Outdoor Recreation Plan 2022-2026March 1, 2022marathon
City of Schofield Outdoor Recreation Plan 2022-2026December 31, 2021marathon
City of Pittsville Outdoor Recreation Plan 2022-2026November 1, 2021wood
Juneau County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2022-2026October 1, 2021juneau
Forest County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2022-2026October 1, 2021forest
Langlade County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2022-2026September 1, 2021langlade
Lincoln County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2022-2026August 1, 2021lincoln
Village of Kronenwetter Outdoor Recreation Plan 2021-2025August 1, 2020marathon
City of Tomahawk Outdoor Recreation Plan 2020-2024September 1, 2019lincoln
City of Adams Outdoor Recreation Plan 2019-2023June 1, 2019adams
Vilas County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2019-2023January 1, 2019vilas
Adams County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2019-2023January 1, 2019adams
Oneida County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2019-2023December 1, 2018oneida
Village of Stratford Outdoor Recreation Plan 2019-2023November 1, 2018marathon
Village of Spencer Outdoor Recreation Plan 2018-2022December 1, 2017marathon
City of Merrill Outdoor Recreation Plan 2018-2022September 1, 2017lincoln
City of Schofield Outdoor Recreation Plan 2017-2021March 1, 2017marathon
Juneau County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2017-2021February 1, 2017juneau
City of Mauston Outdoor Recreation Plan 2017-2021January 1, 2017juneau
Langlade County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2017-2021December 1, 2016langlade
Forest County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2017-2021October 1, 2016forest
Lincoln County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2017-2021September 1, 2016lincoln
City of Rhinelander Outdoor Recreation Plan 2015-2020September 1, 2015oneida
City of Merrill Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 2015August 1, 2015lincoln
Oneida County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2014-2018May 1, 2014oneida
Village of Rothschild Outdoor Recreation Plan 2014-2019April 1, 2014marathon
Town of Rib Mountain Outdoor Recreation Plan 2015-2019January 1, 2014marathon
Vilas County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2014-2019January 1, 2014vilas
Adams County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2013-2018April 9, 2013adams
City of Merrill Outdoor Recreation Plan 2013-2018February 1, 2013lincoln
Forest County Motorized Recreational Area – 2013January 1, 2013forest
Village of Kronenwetter Outdoor Recreation Plan 2013-2018December 1, 2012marathon
Langlade County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2012-2016January 1, 2012langlade
Juneau County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2012-2017January 1, 2012juneau
City of Mauston Outdoor Recreation Plan 2012-2016January 1, 2012juneau
Forest County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2012-2016January 1, 2012forest
City of Wisconsin Rapids Outdoor Recreation Plan 2012-2016January 1, 2012wood
Lincoln County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2012-2016December 1, 2011lincoln
Oneida County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2009-2023January 1, 2009oneida