NCWRPC News Autumn 2015 – Issue 57
Annual Report 2015
The Annual Report is prepared to provide interested local, state, and federal officials as well as citizens with an overview of the activities undertaken by the NCWRPC over the last year. The report highlights our five core work areas:
• Economic Development
• Geographic Information Systems
• Intergovernmental Cooperation
• Land Use, and
• Transportation
In addition, the report meets the requirements as outlined in Wisconsin Statute 66.0309(8)(b) for annual report preparation. This is our 42th Annual Report. With your continued support, we look forward to another successful year in 2015.
NCWRPC News Spring 2015 – Issue 56
NCWRPC News Winter 2015 – Issue 55
Langlade County Farmland Preservation Plan 2014
In 2010, agriculture constituted a $59 billion industry in Wisconsin. Farmland around the country is being lost at an alarming rate, and, once it is gone, we cannot get it back. Farmland preservation planning is crucial to preserve the agricultural land remaining in Wisconsin, because of the economic importance of agriculture in the State and the potential for loss of our agricultural land base.

Langlade County Land and Water Resource Management 2015-2019
The Langlade County Land and Water Resource Management Plan is drafted as a 5-
year plan (2015-2019) with a 5-year Work Plan (2015-2019) in accordance to the
requirements set forth in Chapter 92 of the Wisconsin Statutes.

Marathon County Transportation Program Needs Assessment – 2014
The Marathon County Transportation Coordinating Committee (TCC) is responsible for the elderly and disabled transportation in the County. The TCC has determined it wants a better understanding of what the needs are for transportation for these groups across the County. This Needs Assessment is intended to compile information the TCC can use to begin to make decisions as to whether they have, at least at the County level, the ability to meet some of the needs that are out there and do some things where those needs might occur.

Vilas County Land and Water Resource Management 2015-2024
The Vilas County Land and Water Resource Management (LWRM) Plan is drafted as a 10-year plan (2015-2024) with a 5-year Work Plan (2015-2019) in accordance to the requirements set forth in Chapter 92 of the Wisconsin Statutes.

NCWRPC News Fall 2014 – Issue 54