Town of Winchester Comprehensive Plan 2021

A primary reason for a community to prepare a comprehensive plan is to establish a framework for the future, especially as it relates to decisions regarding growth and regulation of development to protect and maintain the health, safety and welfare of the community. A plan also helps to set priorities for public expenditures.

Andrew Faust, GISP

Andy has worked with the NCWRPC since 1995. He has a bachelor’s degree in urban and regional studies from UW-Oshkosh. He is also certified as a Geographic Information System Professional (GISP). Andy works in the areas of GIS, land use and intergovernmental cooperation.

715-849-5510 ext. 305


The counties of northeastern Wisconsin have a long history of working cooperatively to address the public safety needs of the area. This latest effort, called the North East Wisconsin Public Safety COMmunications or NEWCOM, will create a group that will identify the communication needs for the area, so the 500 plus law enforcement and public safety organizations can communicate effectively throughout the Region.

The group formed under Intergovernmental Agreement §66.0301, Wis. Stats in 2006

Meetings 2025
February 6th
May 1st
August 7th
November 6th

Sherri CongletonVilas CountyChair
Ryan BerdalMarathon CountyVice-Chair
Rozanne KahanPrice CountySecretary- Treasurer
Andy FaustNCWRPCNEWCOM Contact

Geographic Information System (GIS)

The NCWRPC has available a variety of graphic and mapping products, from aerial photos to wetland maps. We assist communities with Land Records Modernization Plans, grant applications and RFP’s for GIS services. Custom data sets and maps are also available for communities.

In addition, the NCWRPC maintains a wide array of data that is available upon request. Some of the data includes: U.S. Census (1980 – 2010), Economic Census, Employment and Labor Information, and more.

Mapping and GIS:

NCWRPC has available a variety of graphic and mapping products, from aerial photos to land use maps to wetland maps. In addition, we can create custom map products:

Parcel Mapping
Zoning Maps
Natural Features Maps
Address Maps
Land Use Mapping
ArcMap Projects

A Resource Center for The Region:

Census Data 1980 – 2020
Wisconsin Data Center Affiliate Organization
Census Tract Maps
Planning Library
Aerial Photos of the Region
Wetland Maps
Land Use Data
Historical Data and Maps
Technical Services for the Region

GIS Software:
ArcGIS Pro

Data Center:

NCWRPC maintains a wide array of data that is available upon request. Some of the data includes: U.S. Census (1980-2020), Economic Census, Employment and Labor Information, and more.

Specialized Services:

NCWRPC is available to conduct specialized services on request:

Computer Equipment Purchases Review
Software Support
Web Page Design
Database Management
Survey Analysis & Design

Who are these Services provided for?

NCWRPC serves the ten counties and the local governments within our region. These services are provided to NCWRPC members. NCWRPC has also contracted with other public and private sector agencies to provide assistance as requested.

Village of Athens Zoning MapOctober 4, 2024marathon
Great Pinery Heritage WaterwayDecember 1, 2022regional
Oneida County Online Mapping RecordsJanuary 1, 2022oneida
Forest County Building MappingDecember 14, 2021forest
Forest County Hydro MappingDecember 14, 2021forest
Wisconsin Regional Orthoimagery Consortium (WROC), , , , , , , , , , , , , November 29, 2021adams affiliated forest juneau langlade lincoln marathon multi-county oneida portage regional statewide vilas wood
Forest County Parcel MappingJanuary 8, 2021forest

Town of Phelps Comprehensive Plan 2019

A primary reason for a community to prepare a comprehensive plan is to establish a framework for the future, especially as it relates to decisions regarding growth and regulation of development to protect and maintain the health, safety and welfare of the community. A plan also helps to set priorities for public expenditures.

Langlade County Scout Camp Concept Plan – 2019

The 522-acre camp was closed in 2015 and became available. The County researched and evaluated acquiring the site for a variety of potential uses. They then applied for funding from the Department of Natural Resources through the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Land Acquisition program to help fund the purchase. The acquisition of the 522-acre site cost a total of $1.35 million, with $730,000 being provided from the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Land Acquisition Program. Map 2: Site Boundary displays the boundaries of the entire site.

The County plans to utilize the site as a campground and to open public access to the two lakes on the site. The Langlade County Forestry Department will also manage the site’s wooded areas for timber production. The campground will be developed in phases over time and will provide for tent, cabin, and RV camping. This concept plan was prepared to provide a general development plan for the site, and to provide some general recommendations for the site.

On December 15, 2017, Langlade County purchased the Robert S. Lyle Scout Reservation, which is located east of Elcho in the northeast section of the County, from the Three Harbors Boy Scout Council of Milwaukee, Racine and Kenosha counties. For a representation of where the camp is located within Wisconsin, see Map 1: Location. The facility operated as a Boy Scout Camp for over 50 years.