Forest County All Hazards Mitigation Plan (AHMP) Update describes and documents the process used to develop the plan update. This includes how it was prepared and who (committee, organizations, departments, staff, consultants, etc.) was involved in the update process. It also describes the local government involvement, the time period in which the update was prepared, and who to contact to answer questions and make recommendations for future amendments to the plan.
Forest County All Hazards Mitigation Plan 2015
Forest County All Hazards Mitigation Plan (AHMP) Update describes and documents the process used to develop the plan update. This includes how it was prepared and who (committee, organizations, departments, staff, consultants, etc.) was involved in the update process. It also describes the local government involvement, the time period in which the update was prepared, and who to contact to answer questions and make recommendations for future amendments to the plan.
Adams County All Hazards Mitigation Plan Update 2015
Adams County All Hazards Mitigation Plan (AHMP) Update describes and documents the process used to develop the plan update. This includes how it was prepared and who (committee, organizations, departments, staff, consultants, etc.) was involved in the update process. It also describes the local government involvement, the time period in which the update was prepared, and who to contact to answer questions and make recommendations for future amendments to the plan.
Marathon County Transportation Program Needs Assessment – 2014
The Marathon County Transportation Coordinating Committee (TCC) is responsible for the elderly and disabled transportation in the County. The TCC has determined it wants a better understanding of what the needs are for transportation for these groups across the County. This Needs Assessment is intended to compile information the TCC can use to begin to make decisions as to whether they have, at least at the County level, the ability to meet some of the needs that are out there and do some things where those needs might occur.
STH 64/Pine Ridge Avenue Access Safety Study 2013
State Trunk Highway (STH) 64 (aka East Main Street) is one of the City of Merrill’s two principal arterials and is the major east-west corridor through the city. The other principal arterial is the north-south Center Avenue/County K (Bus. 51) corridor. The STH 64 / East Main Street and Pine Ridge Avenue intersection area is one of four major areas of employment in the city. Recent and proposed development on Pine Ridge Avenue have raised concerns about the effect of those changes on the operations and safety of STH 64 / E. Main Street and the interchange ramps from STH 64 to USH 51. The purpose of this study is to determine potential future mitigation measures and improvements on STH 64 as well as the local street network for safety and operations.
Village of Spencer Traffic Count Report
The Village of Spencer requested traffic counting services from the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission for three locations within the Village.
Town of Lake Tomahawk, Road Surface Management Plan – 2014
A road surface management plan for a local road network provides a town with the ability to plan for future road surface improvements. With a road surface management plan in place, the limited resources allocated to local roads can be better spent. The overall goal of the Road Surface Management Plan is to help the town make better decisions on the improvements to the local road system. This document contains information vital to the review and rating of the Town of Lake Tomahawk’s roadway system. Thus, the Road Surface Management Plan will assist in preserving and rehabilitating the existing town road system in a timely and cost-effective manner.
City of Tomahawk, Road Surface Management Plan – 2014
A roadway management plan for a local street system provides a community with the
ability to plan for future roadway improvements. With a roadway management plan in
place, the limited resources allocated to local roads can be better spent. The overall
goal of the Roadway Management Plan is to assist municipalities make better decisions
on the improvements to the local road system. This document contains information vital
to the review and rating of the City of Tomahawk’s roadway system. Thus, the
Roadway Management Plan will assist in preserving and rehabilitating the existing City
street system in a timely and cost-effective manner.
Rural Transportation Planning Work Program – 2014
The NCWRPC has been actively involved in transportation planning and received “designation” as a rural transportation planning district from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.
Langlade County All Hazards Mitigation Plan Update 2013
Part I of the Langlade County All Hazards Mitigation Plan (AHMP) Update describes and documents the process used to develop the plan update. This includes how it was prepared and who (committee, organizations, departments, staff, consultants, etc.) was involved in the update process. It also describes the local government’s involvement, the time period in which the update was prepared, and who to contact to answer questions and make recommendations for future amendments to the plan.