Adams County Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan Summary

The primary emphasis of the Adams County Bicycle And Pedestrian Plan is on developing a more bicycle friendly transportation system by establishing a facilities network and bringing all streets up to a minimum level of compatibility. Pedestrian accommodations are also reviewed and improvements are also suggested in this plan. Often the focus of a bicycle plan is solely on a network of improved roads and trails, but it is equally important to consider policies and practices.

Adams County Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan – 2013

The primary emphasis of this plan is on developing a more bicycle friendly transportation system by establishing a facilities network and bringing all streets up to a minimum level of compatibility. Pedestrian accommodations are also reviewed and improvements are also suggested in this plan. Often the focus of a bicycle plan is solely on a network of improved roads and trails, but it is equally important to consider policies and practices. See Chapter 4 to read the vision statement and goals of this plan.

Town of Harding, Road Surface Management Plan 2013

A road surface management plan for a local road network provides a town with the ability to plan for future road surface improvements. With a road surface management plan in place, the limited resources allocated to local roads can be better spent. The overall goal of the Road Surface Management Plan is to help the town make better decisions on the improvements to the local road system. This document contains information vital to the review and rating of the Town of Harding’s highway system. Thus, the Road Surface Management Plan will assist in preserving and rehabilitating the existing town road system in a timely and cost-effective manner.

City of Crandon All Hazards Mitigation Plan Update 2012

Part I of the City of Crandon All Hazards Mitigation Plan (AHMP) Update describes and documents the process used to develop the plan update. This includes how it was prepared and who (committee, organizations, departments, staff, consultants, etc.) was involved in the update process. It also describes the involvement of adjacent units of government, the time period in which the update was prepared, and who to contact to answer questions and make recommendations for future amendments to the plan.

Lincoln County All Hazards Mitigation Plan Update 2012

Lincoln County All Hazards Mitigation Plan (AHMP) Update describes and documents the process used to develop the plan update. This includes how it was prepared and who (committee, organizations, departments, staff, consultants, etc.) was involved in the update process.  It also describes the local government involvement, the time period in which the update was prepared, and who to contact to answer questions and make recommendations for future amendments to the plan.

Town of Tomahawk, Road Surface Management Plan – 2012

A roadway management plan for a local street system provides a community with the ability to plan for future roadway improvements. With a roadway management plan in place, the limited resources allocated to local roads can be better spent. The overall goal of the Roadway Management Plan is to assist municipalities make better decisions on the improvements to the local road system. This document contains information vital to the review and rating of the Town of Tomahawk’s roadway system. Thus, the Roadway Management Plan will assist in preserving and rehabilitating the existing Town street system in a timely and cost-effective manner.
