Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 2015 Annual Performance Report
An assessment of economic development activities of the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission over the last decade and the past year. The report’s seven sections describe the CEDS Committee, Past Year’s Activities, the Physical Region, Changes in the Region’s Population, changes in the Region’s Economy, a Regional Development Strategy, and an Economic Development Work Plan. Also included is a list of potential public works projects. This CEDS process maintains the Region’s eligibility as an Economic Development District (EDD) with the U.S. Economic Development Administration. The District consists of ten counties. These counties are Adams, Forest, Juneau, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Oneida, Portage, Vilas, and Wood. However, Portage, and Wood Counties do not fully participate in the EDD – only some local communities with these two Counties participate.
Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan 2012-2021
The Lincoln County Planning & Zoning Department appreciates the involvement of various community stakeholders in the creation of new Transportation, Housing, Agricultural and Natural Resources, and Economic Development plans for the county. The names and organizations of those persons participating in the planning processes are included in the appropriate section of this comprehensive plan.
NCWRPC News Winter 2015 – Issue 55
NCWRPC News Fall 2014 – Issue 54
NCWRPC News Spring 2014 – Issue 53
Northwoods NiiJii Enterprise Community, Inc. Comprehensive Strategic Plan – 2014
The Niijii Community is defined by the people who live and work there; the houses and businesses; the parks and cultural features. There are three tribes affiliated with the NiiJii Enterprise Community; they are the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin and Sokaogon Chippewa Community (aka Mole Lake Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians), see MAP 1. The comprehensive plan provides guidance to the NiiJii Enterprise Community when making future decisions on key community elements. How a community changes, how that change is perceived and how change is managed are the subjects of community comprehensive planning. The plan will provide goals, objectives and policies to successfully grow and advance the communities in five key elements: Population and Housing; Economic Development; Utilities and Transportation; Agriculture, Natural Resources and Cultural; and Land Use. Goals and objectives include key livability principles ensuring future growth that accommodates community member’s needs and desires ultimately working towards a better more sustainable life for the NiiJii Enterprise Community.
NCWRPC News Winter 2014 – Issue 52
Annual Report 2014
The Annual Report is prepared to provide interested local, state, and federal
officials as well as citizens with an overview of the activities undertaken by the
NCWRPC over the last year. The report highlights our five core work areas:
• Economic Development
• Geographic Information Systems
• Intergovernmental Cooperation
• Land Use, and
• Transportation
In addition, the report meets the requirements as outlined in Wisconsin Statute
66.0309(8)(b) for annual report preparation. This is our 47th Annual Report.
With your continued support, we look forward to another successful year in
Feasibility Study for Former School Site Town of Argonne
The Town of Argonne was founded in 1887 when the Soo Line railroad built a depot. Today, the community has a population of just over 500 people. The center of the community is located at the intersection of State Highway 32 and 55. The community’s town hall, fire department, post office, community building and major business area is located within blocks of the intersection. The rail line is no longer active.