Annual Report 2014

The Annual Report is prepared to provide interested local, state, and federal
officials as well as citizens with an overview of the activities undertaken by the
NCWRPC over the last year. The report highlights our five core work areas:

• Economic Development
• Geographic Information Systems
• Intergovernmental Cooperation
• Land Use, and
• Transportation

In addition, the report meets the requirements as outlined in Wisconsin Statute
66.0309(8)(b) for annual report preparation. This is our 47th Annual Report.
With your continued support, we look forward to another successful year in

Feasibility Study for Former School Site Town of Argonne

The Town of Argonne was founded in 1887 when the Soo Line railroad built a depot. Today, the community has a population of just over 500 people. The center of the community is located at the intersection of State Highway 32 and 55. The community’s town hall, fire department, post office, community building and major business area is located within blocks of the intersection. The rail line is no longer active.

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 2014

An assessment of economic development activities of the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission over the last decade and the past year. The report’s seven sections describe the CEDS Committee, Past Year’s Activities, the Physical Region, Changes in the Region’s Population, Changes in the Region’s Economy, a Regional Development Strategy, and an Economic Development Work Plan. Also included is a list of potential public works projects.

2015 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy – Executive Summary

The North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (NCWRPC) is designated as an Economic Development District (EDD) by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA). Current members of the EDD are Adams, Forest, Juneau, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Oneida, and Vilas Counties, as well as parts of Portage and Wood Counties. The EDA provides Financial assistance to designated districts in part, for the purpose of developing a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), the Region’s economic roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy

Oneida County Comprehensive Plan 2013

This is the first of nine elements that comprise the Oneida County Comprehensive Plan. The plan provides detailed information on the county and also includes all twenty towns and the City of Rhinelander. Oneida County is located in northeastern Wisconsin and is bounded on the north by Vilas County, on the east by Forest County, on the south by Lincoln and Langlade counties, and on the west by Price County. The county is a predominantly rural area with a large proportion of its land in forests, wetlands, and agriculture. Residents and visitors from both near and far utilize its more than 1,100 lakes and expansive natural areas for recreational purposes. The City of Rhinelander is the county seat and largest community in the county with a population of about 8,200. See the planning context map.

Town of Big Flats Comprehensive Plan 2013

The Town of Big Flats is an eight-mile by six-mile town with 48 sections, located in thev north-central part of Adams County, Wisconsin. The Town of Rome to the north, the Town of Colburn to the east, the Town of Monroe to the west, and the Towns of Strongs Prairie and Preston to the south bound the town. It is one of the seventeen towns in the county. Over the years the town has been dominated by swampland conifers and lowland hardwood forest types, and some agricultural uses. Scattered residential development also has been locating in the town.

Annual Report 2013

We are pleased to provide you with the 40th Annual Report of the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (NCWRPC). The report provides a summary of regional projects, local projects completed by county, and audited financial information. Also included is information for the North Central Wisconsin Development Corporation.

This report is prepared to provide local officials and interested citizens with an overview of the activities undertaken by the NCWRPC last year. In addition, the report meets the requirements as outlined in Wisconsin Statute 66.0309(8)(b) for annual report preparation and submission.

NCWRPC Celebrating 40 Years!

An appointed Commission oversees the activities of the executive director and the organization. As detailed in Wisconsin statute, three commissioners from each member county govern the NCWRPC. One is selected directly by the County (C), one directly by the Governor (G), and the final is a Joint (J) selection between the Governor and County. Commissioners serve until reappointed or replaced. Term ending is also shown. Commissioners listed are current as of June 30, 2013.