City of Schofield Comprehensive Plan 2022

The City of Schofield Comprehensive Plan is intended to guide City decision-makers, property owners, developers, civic and non-profit organizations, and community members in the growth, development, and improvement of the City of Elroy. Each chapter of this plan documents existing conditions in the City and identifies primary issues or concerns the City may need to address in the future. It includes information on the City’s demographics, natural resources, land use, transportation, utilities, housing, cultural resources, community facilities, parks, economic development and intergovernmental cooperation.

Town of Cassian Comprehensive Plan 2022

In the fall of 2021, the Town initiated a process to update its 2009 plan. The state planning law – 66.1001 – requires that a comprehensive plan be updated every ten years. A variety of Plan Commission meetings were held over the course of 2022 to prepare the plan. A final Plan Commission meeting was held in summer of 2022 to review the final draft and recommend adoption of the plan by the Town Board.