October 27, 2021 Commission Meeting
Proposed Kowalski Road Interchange Economic Impact Analysis
An economic impact analysis was completed by the North Central Wisconsin
Regional Planning Commission to answer the question, what would be the
economic impact of the proposed interchange at Kowalski Road and Interstate
39 in the Village of Kronenwetter.
Town of Presque Isle Comprehensive Plan 2021
A primary reason for a community to prepare a comprehensive plan is to establish a framework for the future, especially as it relates to decisions regarding growth and regulation of development to protect and maintain the community’s health, safety, and welfare. A plan also helps to set priorities for public expenditures.
July 28, 2021 Commission Meeting
NCWRPC News Summer 2021 – Issue 73
Annual Report 2020
The Annual Report is prepared to provide interested local, state, and federal officials as well as citizens with an overview of the activities undertaken by the NCWRPC over the last year. The report highlights our five core work areas:
• Economic Development
• Geographic Information Systems
• Intergovernmental Cooperation
• Land Use, and
• Transportation
In addition, the report meets the requirements as outlined in Wisconsin Statute 66.0309(8)(b) for annual report preparation. This is our 47th Annual Report. With your continued support, we look forward to another successful year in 2021.
April 28, 2021 Commission Meeting
Town of Armenia Comprehensive Plan 2021
In the fall of 2020 the Town initiated a process to update its 2012 plan. The state planning law – 66.1001 – requires that a comprehensive plan be updated every ten years. A variety of Plan
Commission meetings were held over the course of 2020 and 2021 to prepare the plan. A final Plan Commission meeting was held in early 2021 to review the final draft and recommend adoption of the plan by the Town Board.
NCWRPC News Spring 2021 – Issue 72