Town of Wausau Comprehensive Plan 2021
The Town of Wausau Comprehensive Plan identifies existing conditions in the Town as well as issues and concerns on a number of topics including future development, land use, ransportation, housing, and economic development. Goals and objectives have been developed relative to each of the required nine plan elements. For each of the goals and objectives, specific policies, strategies and/or actions are recommended to enable the community to achieve them. The Implementation Element at the end of this document compiles and prioritizes all the recommended action steps and identifies who is responsible for implementation. This plan is intended to guide Town decision makers on a variety of issues over the next ten years.
Dennis Lawrence, AICP
Dennis has worked with the NCWRPC since 1992 and became the Executive Director in 1997. He has a bachelor’s degree in public administration from UW-La Crosse and a master’s degree in urban planning from UW-Milwaukee. He is certified as an Economic Development Finance Professional (EDFP) and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP). Dennis provides overall management to the organization and works in all areas of planning.
715-849-5510 ext. 304
NCWRPC News Winter 2021 – Issue 71
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 2021
The purpose of the CEDS is multifaceted. The CEDS is designed to provide baseline information on demographics and economic data, development of strategies, and identify potential projects within the Region. Preparation and adoption of the CEDS maintains both the Region’s EDD designation, but also maintains grant eligibility for those participating units of government. This CEDS process maintains the Region’s eligibility as an Economic Development District (EDD) with the U.S. Economic Development Administration. The District consists of ten counties. These counties are Adams, Forest, Juneau, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Oneida, Portage, Vilas, and Wood.
January 27, 2021 Commission Meeting
NCWRPC 2021 Work Program
The NCWRPC prepares and adopts an Annual Work Plan. Every fall the NCWRPC develops its work program for the following year and adopts that plan in January. However, there is always room for more. Feel free to contact us if your community is thinking about a planning related project. Projects may fall under any of our five program areas of economic development, geographic information systems (mapping), intergovernmental cooperation, land use, and transportation. In addition to several on-going regional efforts related to economic development and transportation, staff typically helps with numerous local level projects, including comprehensive plans, outdoor recreation plans, grant applications, and more.
Staff is always available to answer a phone call, respond to an email, or attend a meeting any time during the year. Contact Dennis Lawrence at or (715) 849-5510, Extension 304, to discuss a possible project.
Land Use Planning – Comprehensive Planning
NCWRPC is responsible for the development of a regional comprehensive plan for the ten-county Region. The Regional Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2004, the first regional comprehensive plan in the state under the new planning law, and was last updated in 2015. The mid-plan review of that document will be developed in 2020. NCWRPC also prepares other regionally focused plans from time to time.
What Types of Plans can be Provided?
Comprehensive Plans
Specialized Land Use Plans
Park & Outdoor Recreation Plans
Zoning Ordinances and Subdivision Regulations
Sewer Service Area Planning
Wellhead Protection Planning
All Hazard Mitigation Plans
Farmland Preservation Plans
Land & Water Resource Management Plans
Downtown Development Plans
Capital Improvements Programming
Grant Applications for Federal/State Programs
Land Use Planning & Zoning:
The NCWRPC provides professional assistance in the areas of land use policy and management. The planning process is adapted to each community. GIS technology is used to create maps that aid in the visualization of plan outcomes. A range of zoning assistance is available from updating an existing ordinance to drafting a new ordinance tailored to your specific needs.
Community Technical Assistance:
NCWRPC Staff assists local units of government in identifying problems and developing viable solutions. Services can range from preparing a study or plan to securing financing for community projects or to drafting ordinances.
Grant Writing & Administration:
The NCWRPC provides assistance to member counties by both writing and administering various grants. Common grant applications include EDA, USDA, and Wisconsin Department of Commerce CDBG grants.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
The NCWRPC is available to conduct specialized studies on request. In the past, the NCWRPC has completed studies such as merging ambulance services, community consolidation studies, economic impact analysis, and a juvenile detention study.
In addition, the NCWRPC serves as the Regional Clearinghouse and reviews all applications for federal and state assistance throughout the ten-county region for their compatibility with existing plans and programs in the area.
Framework for Regional Development:
The Framework is the NCWRPC’s master plan for the physical development of the Region. This plan creates a framework for consistency and coordination in the preparation of county & local landuse plans.
Forum for Exchange:
The NCWRPC acts as a forum through which different counties and municipalities can communicate with each other about common problems and issues that cross borders. The NCWRPC is designated as an economic development district by the U.S. Economic Development Administration and as a rural transportation planning organization by WisDOT to coordinate economic development and transportation strategies on a regional basis with cooperative efforts to solve local problems.
Intergovernmental Agreements:
The NCWRPC can assist in the development of intergovernmental agreements including cooperative boundary agreements and planning. Intergovernmental agreements can be as simple as agreeing to conduct joint plan commission meetings, share police and fire services, or as complex as tax revenue sharing, and redefining municipal boundaries. Two basic types of agreements are authorized under s.66.023 & s.66.30 WI Stats. Other specialized agreements are possible under a variety of specific statutes.
Cooperative Boundary Agreements – 66.023
The agreement may change boundaries pursuant to an order by the WisDOA. The change is based on a detailed plan. The statute allows the incorporation of a wide variety of other planning tools. These agreements provide flexibility for annexation, zoning, revenue sharing and other inter-municipal activities.
General Agreements – 66.30
A contract between municipal entities to set boundaries or other shared municipal services. Boundaries are set and the parties either commit to maintain them or to allow growth to some ultimate boundary. Agreements may also contain provisions for revenue sharing.
Title | Location | Date | hf:categories |
Take the Broadband Speed Test | Statewide | April 3, 2023 | statewide |
Wisconsin Regional Orthoimagery Consortium (WROC) | Adams, Affiliated, Forest, Juneau, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Multi-County, Oneida, Portage, Regional, Statewide, Vilas, Wood | November 29, 2021 | adams affiliated forest juneau langlade lincoln marathon multi-county oneida portage regional statewide vilas wood |
NCWSC | Affiliated, Multi-County, Regional | January 8, 2021 | affiliated multi-county regional |
NEWCOM | Affiliated, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Multi-County, Oneida, Portage, Regional, Vilas, Wood | January 8, 2021 | affiliated forest langlade lincoln marathon multi-county oneida portage regional vilas wood |
NRTC | Affiliated, Multi-County, Regional | December 29, 2020 | affiliated multi-county regional |
AWRPC | Affiliated, Multi-County, Regional | December 1, 2020 | affiliated multi-county regional |
NRTC | Multi-County | November 30, 2020 | multi-county |
Adams County Strategic Plan | Adams | October 1, 2019 | adams |
Adams-Juneau Flood Resiliency Study | Adams, Juneau | December 1, 2018 | adams juneau |
Wisconsin Regional Planning Commissions – 2013 Profile | Multi-County, Regional | January 1, 2013 | multi-county regional |
Long-Term Power Outage Preparedness in Wisconsin | Statewide | October 1, 2010 | statewide |