City of Tomahawk Comprehensive Plan 2017

The City of Tomahawk Comprehensive Plan is intended to guide city decision makers on a variety of issues over the next twenty years. This plan documents existing conditions in the city as well as issues and concerns to address in the future. Additionally this plan presents policies and actions to address those concerns. Lastly, it includes information that will assist in making decision about such topics as future development, land use, transportation, housing, and economic development.

Lac du Flambeau Workforce Training & Business Development Center Feasibility Study

The Lac du Flambeau Tribe of North Central Wisconsin has proposed the establishment of a Workforce Training & Business Development Center (Center). This project has been identified as critical for the long-term economic development growth of both Lac du Flambeau tribal members and area non-tribal members. The Center would be located in the reservation business park.
Specifically, the project aims to:
• Train area unemployed and underemployed for high demand high wage positions, and
• Stimulate new business formation and expansion, and
• Expand the overall economic strength of the area.

City of Adams Comprehensive Plan 2017

The City of Adams Comprehensive Plan is tended to guide city and county decision makers on a variety of issues over the next twenty years. This plan documents existing conditions in the City and identified primary issues or convers to address in the future and identifies policies and actions to address those concerns. It includes information that assists in making decisions about such topics as future development, land use, transportation, housing and economic development.

Village of Stratford Comprehensive Plan 2017

The Village of Stratford Comprehensive Plan is intended to guide village decision-makers, property owners, developers, civic and non-profit organizations and community members in the growth, development, and improvement of the Village of Stratford. Each chapter of this plan documents existing conditions in the village and identifies primary issues or concerns
the village may need to address in the future. It includes information on the village’s demographics, natural resources, land use, transportation, utilities, housing, cultural resources, community facilities, parks, economic development, and intergovernmental cooperation.

Town of Lemonweir Comprehensive Plan 2017

The Town of Lemonweir Comprehensive Plan is intended to be the will-of-the-people in writing for land use planning. When the people’s desires in this community change, so too should this document. Local officials shall use this document to save time when making land use decisions. The Plan will also assist in development and management issues of public administration by addressing short-range and long-range concerns regarding development, and preservation of the community.

Town of Ringle Comprehensive Plan 2017

The Town of Ringle Comprehensive Plan is intended to guide town and county decision makers on a variety of issues over the next twenty years. This plan documents existing conditions in the Town and identifies primary issues or concerns to address in the future and identifies policies and actions to address those concerns. It includes information that assists in making decisions about such topics as future development, land use, transportation, housing, and economic development.

Town of Richfield Comprehensive Plan 2017

The purpose of a Comprehensive Plan is to guide future growth and development in the Town over the next 10 to 20 years. A comprehensive plan provides the vision and direction for natural resource protection, housing and economic development, transportation and community facilities, land use, intergovernmental relations, and other factors that together form the community’s future. Comprehensive planning was enacted to encourage long-range planning for communities and provide consistency in land use decision making. The Comprehensive Plan is a guide that elected officials, residents, and business owners can use for directing growth and redevelopment in the community. The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range policy document consisting of goals, objectives, and policies prepared to meet the State’s definition of a comprehensive plan as defined under Section 66.1001.

Town of Hiles Comprehensive Plan – Amended 2017

The Town of Hiles Comprehensive Plan is a compilation of historical data, and community created goals, objectives, and policies to guide future planning and community land use decisions for a 20-year period.

The comprehensive plan law (§66.1001 WI Stats.) defines the contents of a local comprehensive plan, which has nine chapters—Issues & Opportunities; Natural, Cultural, & Agricultural Resources; Housing; Transportation; Economic Development; Land Use; Utilities & Community Facilities; Intergovernmental Cooperation; and Implementation. Population, housing, and land use projections are also required in 5-year increments for 20 years. Locally created goals, objectives, and policies are also part of each comprehensive plan chapter.

According to §66.1001 WI Stats., if a town, village, city, or county engages in official mapping, subdivision regulation, or zoning, those actions must be consistent with that community’s comprehensive plan.

Town of Mosinee Comprehensive Plan 2017

The Town of Mosinee Comprehensive Plan is intended to guide town and county decision makers on a variety of issues over the next twenty years. This plan documents existing conditions in the Town and identifies primary issues or concerns to address in the future and identifies policies and actions to address those concerns. It includes information that assists in making decisions about such topics as future development, land use, transportation, housing, and economic development.