Town of St. Germain Comprehensive Plan 2021

A primary reason for a community to prepare a comprehensive plan is to establish a framework for the future, especially as it relates to decisions regarding growth and regulation of development to protect and maintain the health, safety and welfare of the community. A plan also helps to set priorities for public expenditures.

Town of Winchester Comprehensive Plan 2021

A primary reason for a community to prepare a comprehensive plan is to establish a framework for the future, especially as it relates to decisions regarding growth and regulation of development to protect and maintain the health, safety and welfare of the community. A plan also helps to set priorities for public expenditures.

Town of Wausau Comprehensive Plan 2021

The Town of Wausau Comprehensive Plan identifies existing conditions in the Town as well as issues and concerns on a number of topics including future development, land use, ransportation, housing, and economic development. Goals and objectives have been developed relative to each of the required nine plan elements. For each of the goals and objectives, specific policies, strategies and/or actions are recommended to enable the community to achieve them. The Implementation Element at the end of this document compiles and prioritizes all the recommended action steps and identifies who is responsible for implementation. This plan is intended to guide Town decision makers on a variety of issues over the next ten years.

Town of Elderon Comprehensive Plan 2021

The Town of Elderon’s Comprehensive Plan guides the future growth, development and enhancement of the Town for the next 10 to 20 years. This plan incorporates more than just future land uses, but also direction for housing and neighborhood development, economic development, transportation, community facilities, protection of natural resources and intergovernmental cooperation. These crucial elements among others will shape the future of the Town.