Town of New Chester Comprehensive Plan 2016

The Comprehensive Planning Process was overseen by the Plan Commission, who met several times with staff from North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to review the 2006 plan, analyze updated data, draft new goals, and develop a new Future Land Use map. This process took approximately nine months, culminating in the adoption of this Plan

Village of Rothschild Comprehensive Plan 2016

In the fall of 2015, the Village initiated a process to update its 2006 plan. The state planning law – 66.1001 – requires that a comprehensive plan be updated every 10 years.

A variety of Village Plan Commission meetings were held over the course of 2015 and 2016 to prepare the plan. A final Plan Commission meeting was held in early 2016 to review the final draft and recommend adoption of the plan to the Village Board.

Town of Rome Comprehensive Plan 2016

The Comprehensive Planning Process was overseen by the Plan Commission, who met several times with staff from North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to review the 2004 plan, analyze updated data, draft new goals, and develop a new Future Land Use map. This process took approximately nine months, culminating in the adoption of this Plan.

Mole Lake All Hazards Mitigation Plan 2016

Sokaogon Chippewa Community All Hazards Mitigation Plan (AHMP) describes and documents the process used to develop the Plan. This includes how it was prepared and who (committee, organizations, departments, staff, consultants, etc.) was involved in the process. It also describes the Tribal government’s involvement, the time period in which the Plan was prepared, and who to contact to answer questions and make recommendations for future amendments to the Plan.

Marathon County Comprehensive Plan 2016

The Marathon County Comprehensive Plan will help guide County decision makers on a wide array of issues over the next twenty years. It will also provide guidance to the 41 towns, 15 villages and 6 cities within the County. All these communities, working together, make
Marathon County a special place.

Currently, the 135,000 County residents enjoy economic opportunity, quality schools, and strong communities, along with access to a wide variety of recreational options. Although, the County compares well when compared to other counties there is still room for improvement. An overarching goal of Marathon County is to become the Healthiest, Safest and Most Prosperous County in the State. Therefore, the intent of this plan is to provide the foundation for that improvement.

Village of Necedah Comprehensive Plan 2015

The Village of Necedah Comprehensive Plan guides the future growth, development and enhancement of the Village for the next 10 to 20 years. This plan incorporates more than just future land uses, but also direction for housing and neighborhood development, economic development, transportation, community facilities, protection of natural resources and intergovernmental cooperation. These crucial elements among others will shape the future of the Village.

Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan 2012-2021

The Lincoln County Planning & Zoning Department appreciates the involvement of various community stakeholders in the creation of new Transportation, Housing, Agricultural and Natural Resources, and Economic Development plans for the county. The names and organizations of those persons participating in the planning processes are included in the appropriate section of this comprehensive plan.