Town of Pelican Comprehensive Plan 2019

The purpose of a Comprehensive Plan is to guide future growth and development in the Town over the next 10 to 20 years. A comprehensive plan provides the vision and direction for natural resource protection, housing and economic development, transportation and community facilities, land use, intergovernmental relations, and other factors that together form the community’s future. Comprehensive planning was enacted to encourage long-range planning for communities and provide consistency in land use decision making. The Comprehensive Plan is a guide that elected officials, residents, and business owners can use for directing growth and redevelopment in the community. The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range policy document consisting of goals, objectives, and policies prepared to meet the State’s definition of a comprehensive plan as defined under Section 66.1001. This plan is an update of a previous plan that was adopted in 2007.

Town of Polar Comprehensive Plan 2019

A primary reason for a community to prepare a comprehensive plan is to establish a framework for the future, especially as it relates to decisions regarding growth and regulation of development to protect and maintain the health, safety and welfare of the community. A plan also helps to set priorities for public expenditures.

Town of Texas Comprehensive Plan 2019

The state planning law – 66.1001 – requires that comprehensive plans be updated every
10 years. In early 2018 the Town initiated a process to update its 2006 plan. The Town
Plan Commission held meetings to review changes and discuss goals, objectives and
polices. A public hearing was held and the Town Board adopted the plan.

Village of Maine Comprehensive Plan 2019

The North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (NCWRPC) received resources from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) to update the Comprehensive Plans of the Villages of Maine and Brokaw, and the Town of Texas, as well as to complete an Economic Development Adjustment Strategy for the region in 2018. Wisconsin state planning law – 66.1001 – requires that a comprehensive plan be updated every ten years.

A variety of meetings of the Plan Commissions of Maine and Brokaw were held over the course of early 2018 to prepare this plan. A final Plan Commission meeting was held in the summer of 2018 to review the final draft and recommend adoption of the plan to the Maine Village Board. A public hearing was held and the plan adopted on May 15 2019.

Village of Kronenwetter Comprehensive Plan 2019

The Village of Kronenwetter’s Comprehensive Plan guides the future growth, development and enhancement of the Village for the next 10 to 20 years. This plan incorporates more than just future land uses, but also direction for housing and neighborhood development, economic development, transportation, community facilities, protection of natural resources and intergovernmental cooperation. These crucial elements among others will shape the future of the Village.

Adams County Comprehensive Plan 2018

The purpose of a Comprehensive Plan is to guide future growth and development in the County over the next 10 to 20 years. A comprehensive plan provides the vision and direction for natural resource protection, housing and economic development, transportation and community facilities, land use, intergovernmental relations, and other factors that together form the community’s future. Comprehensive planning was enacted to encourage long-range planning for communities and provide consistency in land use decision making. The Comprehensive Plan is a guide that elected officials, residents, and business owners can use for directing growth and redevelopment in the community. The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range policy document consisting of goals, objectives, and policies prepared to meet the State’s definition of a comprehensive plan as defined under Section 66.1001.

Town of Frankfort Comprehensive Plan 2018

The Town of Frankfort Comprehensive Plan documents existing conditions in the town, identifies primary issues or concerns the town may need to address in the future and includes goals and objectives to address those issues. It includes information on the town’s demographics, natural resources, land use, transportation, utilities, housing, cultural resources, community facilities, parks, economic development, and intergovernmental cooperation.