Providing Economic Development, Geographic Information Systems, Intergovernmental Cooperation, Land Use Planning and Transportation Assistance since 1973
The Executive Summary includes a brief overview of the Marathon County Comprehensive Plan which was adopted in February, 2016. The purpose of this summary is to provide a snapshot of the plan and provide guidance on where to look in the full plan for more detailed information and direction.
In the fall of 2014, the Village of Kronenwetter engaged the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (NCWRPC) to evaluate development potential centered near I-39 and Maple Ridge Road. In 2013, the interchange located on Maple Ridge Road and I-39 was rebuilt by the Department of Transportation resulting in new infrastructure and development opportunities for the area.
The Marathon County Transportation Coordinating Committee (TCC) is responsible for the elderly and disabled transportation in the County. The TCC has determined it wants a better understanding of what the needs are for transportation for these groups across the County. This Needs Assessment is intended to compile information the TCC can use to begin to make decisions as to whether they have, at least at the County level, the ability to meet some of the needs that are out there and do some things where those needs might occur.
The primary purpose of this outdoor recreation plan is to provide continued direction toward meeting the current and future recreation needs of the Village of Rothschild.
The primary purpose of this outdoor recreation plan is to provide continued direction toward meeting the current and future recreation needs of the Town of Rib Mountain.
This Outdoor Recreation Plan (ORP) was prepared pursuant to Wisconsin Statute §23.30 Outdoor Recreation Program. This section serves “to promote, encourage, coordinate, and implement a comprehensive long-range plan to acquire, maintain, and develop for public use, those areas of the state best adapted to the development of a comprehensive system of state and local outdoor recreation facilities and services…”
This document analyzes alternatives for locating and developing the Ice Age National Scenic Trail (NST) through southern Marathon County in Wisconsin and proposes implementation of the “Preferred” alternative.
On October 3, 1980, an amendment to the National Trails System (16 U.S.C. 1241 et seq.) authorized establishment of the Ice Age Trail as a National Scenic Trail (NST). To date, Congress has authorized the establishment of eleven NSTs—“extended trails so located as to provide for maximum outdoor recreation potential and for the conservation and enjoyment of the nationally significant scenic, historic, natural, or cultural qualities of the areas through which such trails may pass.” These trails are patterned after the renowned Appalachian NST. NSTs are intended to provide superlative experiences compared to other trails.
Federal transit law requires that any projects selected for funding under the Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (formerly titled Elderly and Disabled Capital Assistance Program) must be derived from a “locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan”. This requirement was implemented as part of the SAFETEA-LU legislation and the requirement continues under the new transportation legislation, FAST Act (Fixing America’s Surface Transportation). The purpose of the coordinated planning process is to have stakeholder involvement in the assessment of elderly and disabled transportation, and to provide strategies and goals to improve those transportation alternatives. These coordinated plans were last completed in 2008 and are due to be updated for 2013.
The primary purpose of this outdoor recreation plan is to provide continued direction toward meeting the current and future recreation needs of the Village of Kronenwetter.
This Outdoor Recreation Plan (ORP) was prepared pursuant to Wisconsin Statute §23.30 Outdoor Recreation Program. This section serves “to promote, encourage, coordinate, and implement a comprehensive long-range plan to acquire, maintain, and develop for public use, those areas of the state best adapted to the development of a comprehensive system of state and local outdoor recreation facilities and services…”
Business growth in downtown Mosinee has been stagnant for many years. However, there has been recent activity as the result of a major transportation improvement project which included a new bridge and a roundabout. In addition, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation conducted a circulation study for Highway 153 through the downtown. That study and its recommendations helped spur more discussion about the downtown. As a result, community leaders identified the need to prepare a downtown development plan.