The counties of northeastern Wisconsin have a long history of working cooperatively to address the public safety needs of the area. This latest effort, called the North East Wisconsin Public Safety COMmunications or NEWCOM, will create a group that will identify the communication needs for the area, so the 500 plus law enforcement and public safety organizations can communicate effectively throughout the Region.

The group formed under Intergovernmental Agreement §66.0301, Wis. Stats in 2006

Meetings 2025
February 6th
May 1st
August 7th
November 6th

Sherri CongletonVilas CountyChair
Ryan BerdalMarathon CountyVice-Chair
Rozanne KahanPrice CountySecretary- Treasurer
Andy FaustNCWRPCNEWCOM Contact

Town of Pelican Comprehensive Plan 2019

The purpose of a Comprehensive Plan is to guide future growth and development in the Town over the next 10 to 20 years. A comprehensive plan provides the vision and direction for natural resource protection, housing and economic development, transportation and community facilities, land use, intergovernmental relations, and other factors that together form the community’s future. Comprehensive planning was enacted to encourage long-range planning for communities and provide consistency in land use decision making. The Comprehensive Plan is a guide that elected officials, residents, and business owners can use for directing growth and redevelopment in the community. The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range policy document consisting of goals, objectives, and policies prepared to meet the State’s definition of a comprehensive plan as defined under Section 66.1001. This plan is an update of a previous plan that was adopted in 2007.

City of Rhinelander Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 2019

The focus of this plan is to enhance the viability of bicycling and walking as forms of transportation throughout the City of Rhinelander (Map 1). This plan focuses on guidelines for planning bicycle and pedestrian facilities, with general design and funding information included. This plan also examines existing conditions for biking and walking and suggests routes and segments on which to prioritize bicycling and walking improvements.

Minocqua J1 Safe Routes to School Plan

The purpose of the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program is to provide safe pedestrian
and bicycle facilities that encourage healthier lifestyles. Programs can be established to
educate students, parents, and the community on the benefits of walking and bicycling to school and provide tips to do so safely.

Oneida County Outdoor Recreation Plan 2019-2023

The primary purpose of this recreation plan is to provide continued direction toward meeting the current and future recreation needs of the county. This is accomplished through an inventory and analysis of outdoor recreational facilities, and the establishment of recommendations to meet identified needs.

This Outdoor Recreation Plan (ORP) was prepared pursuant to Wisconsin Statute §23.30 Outdoor Recreation Program.  This section serves “to promote, encourage, coordinate, and implement a comprehensive long-range plan to acquire, maintain, and develop for public use, those areas of the state best adapted to the development of a comprehensive system of state and local outdoor recreation facilities and services…”

Oneida-Vilas County Locally Developed, Coordinated Public Transit-Human Service Transportation Plan 2019-2023

Federal transit law requires that any projects selected for funding under the Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (formerly titled Elderly and Disabled Capital Assistance Program) must be derived from a “locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan”. This requirement was implemented as part of the SAFETEA-LU legislation and the requirement continues under the new transportation legislation, FAST Act (Fixing America’s Surface Transportation). The purpose of the coordinated planning process is to have stakeholder involvement in the assessment of elderly and disabled transportation, and to provide strategies and goals to improve those transportation alternatives. These coordinated plans were last completed in 2013 and are due to be updated
for 2019.

City of Rhinelander Comprehensive Plan 2016

The City of Rhinelander is located in Oneida County. It is the only incorporated community in the county, and serves as the county seat. Rhinelander is a major commercial and industrial center of the “northwoods.” The City has a population of over 7,700 people in 2013, which is about 21 percent of the total county population. This plan replaces the previous City of Rhinelander Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2008.

Oneida County All Hazards Mitigation Plan Update 2016

Oneida County All Hazards Mitigation Plan (AHMP) Update describes and documents the process used to develop the plan update. This includes how it was prepared and who (committee, organizations, departments, staff, consultants, etc.) was involved in the update process.  It also describes the local government involvement, the time period in which the update was prepared, and who to contact to answer questions and make recommendations for future amendments to the plan.

Oneida County Farmland Preservation Plan 2015

In 2010, agriculture constituted a $59 billion industry in Wisconsin. Farmland around the country is being lost at an alarming rate, and, once it is gone, we cannot get it back. Farmland preservation planning is crucial to preserve the agricultural land remaining in Wisconsin, because of the economic importance of agriculture in the State and the potential for loss of our agricultural land base.