Town of Rolling Traffic Count Report

The Town requested general information with regard to traffic volumes on these roads. The attached reports summarize the data from these sites. For each location, there is a vehicle volume report, with average hourly vehicle counts by lane direction and totals for the counting period, a combined speed report with totals combined for both directions by speed group and time, and a combined classification report with totals combined for both directions by type of vehicle and time.

Town of Merrill, Road Surface Management Plan – 2009

A road surface management plan for a local road network provides a town with the ability to plan for future road surface improvements. With a road surface management plan in place, the limited resources allocated to local roads can be better spent. The overall goal of the Road surface management Plan is to help the town make better decisions on the improvements to the local road system.

Joint Marathon & Wood County Locally Developed, Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan – 2008

The federal transportation bill known as SAFETEA-LU (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users), passed in 2005, requires the preparation of coordination plans for entities that will access FTA (Federal Transit Authority) funds. SAFETEA LU states that projects funded from the following three programs must be derived from a locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan. The stated goal is to maximize the three programs’ coverage by minimizing the duplication of similar, overlapping services. SAFETEA-LU also stipulates that the plan be developed through a process that includes representation of public, private and non-profit transportation and human services providers, and participation by the public.

Portage County Locally Developed, Coordinated Public Transit-Human Service Transportation Plan 2008

The federal transportation bill known as SAFETEA-LU (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users), passed in 2005, requires the preparation of coordination plans for entities that will access FTA (Federal Transit Authority) funds. SAFETEA LU states that projects funded from the following three programs must be derived from a locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan. The stated goal is to maximize the three programs’ coverage by minimizing the duplication of similar, overlapping services. SAFETEA-LU also stipulates that the plan be developed through a process that includes representation of public, private and non-profit transportation and human services providers, and participation by the public.

Town of Tomahawk Road Surface Management Plan – 2008

A roadway management plan for a local street system provides a community with the ability to plan for future roadway improvement. With a roadway management plan in place, the limited resources allocated to local roads can be better spent. The overall goal of the Roadway Management Plan is to assist municipalities make better decisions on the improvements to the local road system.