Town of Harding, Road Surface Management Plan 2013

A road surface management plan for a local road network provides a town with the ability to plan for future road surface improvements. With a road surface management plan in place, the limited resources allocated to local roads can be better spent. The overall goal of the Road Surface Management Plan is to help the town make better decisions on the improvements to the local road system. This document contains information vital to the review and rating of the Town of Harding’s highway system. Thus, the Road Surface Management Plan will assist in preserving and rehabilitating the existing town road system in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Rhinelander Safe Routes to School Plan – 2012-2017

The City of Rhinelander and the School District of Rhinelander created a Safe Routes To School Task Force to apply for a planning grant. All of the public elementary schools in the City, the middle school, the police, city administration, and local citizens were all part of the Task Force. The approved planning grant paid 100% of NCWRPC’s planning services to assist with creating a Safe Routes To School plan.

Almond-Bancroft Safe Routes to School Plan 2012-2017

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) began as a European phenomenon about thirty years ago and caught on in New York City in 1997. In the 1970s, Denmark had Europe’s highest child pedestrian accident rate. Implementing the first Safe Routes to School program, planners in Denmark identified specific road dangers around the country’s schools and took steps to remedy the hazards. Since 1970, the child pedestrian crash rate has dropped by 80% in Denmark.

Town of Tomahawk, Road Surface Management Plan – 2012

A roadway management plan for a local street system provides a community with the ability to plan for future roadway improvements. With a roadway management plan in place, the limited resources allocated to local roads can be better spent. The overall goal of the Roadway Management Plan is to assist municipalities make better decisions on the improvements to the local road system. This document contains information vital to the review and rating of the Town of Tomahawk’s roadway system. Thus, the Roadway Management Plan will assist in preserving and rehabilitating the existing Town street system in a timely and cost-effective manner.


Vilas County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 2011

This plan is intended to guide the development of an interconnected bikeway and pedestrian system for Vilas County, Wisconsin. The Vilas Area Silent Sports Association (VASSA), in conjunction with the local area trail groups around the County, prepared this plan to establish a fresh blueprint for its efforts and the efforts of other agencies and organizations with interest in trails and routes within the County. The trails and routes recommended within the plan will connect people to destinations such as employment centers, schools, residential districts, recreation areas and commercial retail areas (downtowns and surrounding shopping areas). This plan incorporates interconnection with neighboring communities and various destinations outside of the County.

Town of Cassian Traffic Count Report – 2011

The Town requested general information with regard to traffic volumes on these roads. The attached reports summarize the data from these sites. For each location, there is a vehicle volume report, with average hourly vehicle counts by lane direction and totals for the counting period, a combined speed report with totals combined for both directions by speed group and time, and a combined classification report with totals combined for both directions by type of vehicle and time.