Weston Elementary Safe Routes To School

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs are an opportunity to make walking and bicycling to school safer for children in grades K-8, and to increase the number of children who choose to walk and bicycle. On a broader level, SRTS programs can enhance children’s health and well-being, ease traffic congestion near the school, and improve community members’ overall quality of life.

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 NCWRPC Safe Routes to School


Planning Process

In 2022, the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission and Weston Elementary won a WisDOT SRTS planning grant to create a SRTS Plan for Weston Elementary. In the fall of 2022, Weston Elementary began SRTS Planning with the assistance of the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (NCWRPC). The NCWRPC is guiding the Weston Elementary SRTS Task Force through the planning process.

Weston Elementary SRTS Task Force

Kelly Ziegelbauer, Principal
Jason Jablonski, DCE Buildings and Grounds
Chris Nichols, DCE Finance Department
Tiffany Wurz, Parent
Greg Schremp, School Resource Officer
Karen Wegge, DCE K-12 Physical Education/Health Curriculum Coordinator
Yee Xiong, DCE School Board member
Michael Wodalski, Village Director of Public Works
Fred Heider, Planner, North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission


Make questions or comments about the planning here.
(Email link to submit comments on this plan.)

Stevens Point Urban Area Sewer Service Area Plan 2040 Update

This report is intended to update and replace the previous, Urban Area Sewer Service Plan for the City of Stevens Point and surrounding urban area. These types of plans are also known as areawide water quality management plans.

The general purpose of this areawide water quality management plan, herein referred to as Sewer Service Area Plan, is to maintain a twenty-year sanitary sewer service boundary for the Stevens Point Urban Area and an institutional structure for implementing the Plan and managing the extension of sanitary sewage services within this urban area. The urban sanitary sewer service area boundary identifies the geographic land area within which sanitary sewer service could be made available by the year 2040 in a cost effective, environmentally acceptable manner.

Wausau Metropolitan Area Regional Housing Assessment

The North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission completed a regional housing assessment for the Town of Rib Mountain, Villages of Kronenwetter, Maine, Marathon City, Rothschild, and Weston, and Cities of Schofield and Wausau. This project uses Census data, real estate data, surveys, and interviews to find out what kinds of housing needs to be built in the region and what communities can do to help.

Wausau Urban Area Sewer Service Area Plan 2040

This report is intended to update and replace the previous, 2025 Wausau Urban Area Sewer Service Plan for the City of Wausau and surrounding urban area. These types of plans are also known as areawide water quality management plans.

The general purpose of this areawide water quality management plan, herein referred to as Sewer Service Area Plan, is to maintain a twenty-year sanitary sewer service boundary for the Wausau Urban Area and an institutional structure for implementing the Plan and managing the extension of sanitary sewage services within this urban area. The urban sanitary sewer service area boundary identifies the geographic land area within which sanitary sewer service could be made available by the year 2040 in a costeffective, environmentally acceptable manner.