The Town of Bevent Comprehensive Plan is a compilation of historical data and community created goals, objectives, policies, and programs that will guide future planning and community decisions for a 20-year period. Comprehensive plans incorporate a twenty-year vision and provide a rational basis for local land use decisions.
The comprehensive plan law (§66.1001 WI Stats.) defines the contents of a local comprehensive plan, which has nine chapters—Issues & Opportunities; Natural, Cultural, & Agricultural Resources; Housing; Transportation; Economic Development; Land Use; Utilities & Community Facilities; Intergovernmental Cooperation; and Implementation. Population, housing, and land use projections are also required in 5-year increments for 20 years. Locally created goals, objectives, and policies are also part of each comprehensive plan chapter.
According to §66.1001 WI Stats., if a town, village, city, or county engages in official mapping, subdivision regulation, or zoning, those actions must be consistent with that community’s comprehensive plan.